The International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is the world’s largest humanitarian network. The Movement has three main components, The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and National Societies with presence and activity in 187 countries.
The Red Cross idea was born from Henry Dunant altruistic attitude towards the wounded soldiers, during the battle in Solferino, between the armies of imperial Austria and the Franco-Sardinian alliance, in the 24th June 1859.
The International Committee was set up by a team of volunteers following humanitarian ideals which became active after Solferino. The first Geneva Convention was signed in 1864 and then the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement was established.
The name and the emblem “Red Cross” was adopted in honor of Henry Dunant, who had the vision of the Movement and comes from the reversal of the colours of the Swiss flag, while in 1929 the Red Crescent was adopted as an equal emblem.
In 1919, Red Cross Societies of different countries federated into an organization named League of Red Cross Societies which later on became International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Solidarity and care without discrimination as to cultural or nationality believes was the primary motive and ideological background of Red Cross Red Crescent Movement foundation. During 143 years of Movement activity and offer, these ideals remained the core of its task and efforts to alleviate human suffering.
Red Cross and Red Crescent humanitarian activity developed and spread worldwide with the gradual participation of more and more countries. Nowadays, The International RC/RC Movement is the world’s biggest voluntary organization and the synonym of solidarity and altruism, fact that was crowned by 3 Nobel prizes award (1917, 1944, 1963).
The International RC/RC Movement is the symbol of altruistic offer without boundaries, of delivering assistance voluntarily to improve the lives of vulnerable people, of making efforts to implement the vision of a world based on hope and respect of human dignity, progressively moving through the power of humanity.